Mestex Covid-19 Update

By Applied Air Administrator
Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Mestex would like to provide another update on our response to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation.  Dallas County has issued a Shelter in Place order taking effect on Monday, March 23, 2020 at 11:50 pm.  Under the definition of “essential business” issues by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Mestex is classified and identified as an Essential Manufacturer based on the industries we serve and support. 


Mestex is a critical supplier to our customers in health care, pharmaceutical, data center, food processing and manufacturing, as well as many other industries.  Due to the essential nature of our products and services we are making every effort to keep our employees safe and remain open to support all of the critical industries we service.   Our priority, as always, is to maintain a safe working environment.


Like many other companies, we have taken steps to ensure the health of our employees.  We have cancelled all travel, moved many of our office staff to working from home, and are adhering to strict cleaning protocols.  


We have also worked to secure our supply chain and closely track our inventory levels.  Despite our efforts in logistics and employee care, we are starting to see some impact to our business in the following areas:


  1. Increasing absenteeism by employees concerned about their safety
  2. Notices from our suppliers that the virus is starting to impact their ability to manufacture or ship products
  3. Shipping difficulties, including job site black-out dates/shutdowns


Account managers will be reaching out to all customers with orders in house to confirm project status and update shipping dates.  Please be patient as we try to provide answers during an increasingly uncertain time.  We continue to monitor this unfortunate situation and will keep communicating updates to our business partners.